Ed Nikles Jr., elected as Chairman of the Craftsmen Builder 20 Club

NAHB 20 Club
Milford, PA – Ed Nikles Jr., of Ed Nikles Custom Builder, Inc. was recently elected as Chairman of The Craftsmen Builder 20 Club. After serving(2) years on the Kitchen Cabinet (Board of Directors) as Vice – Chairman, Ed Jr. was elected to serve a (2) year term as the Chairman at the fall meeting in Port Townsend, WA.

Ed Nikles Jr. & Ed Nikles Sr. have been members of The Craftsmen Builder 20 Club since 2000. The NAHB Builder 20 Clubs are comprised of similar type Builder or Remodelers from non-competing markets, who meet semi-annually for a 4 day conference and communicate daily, as an informal board of directors. The mission of the club is to raise professional standards in construction techniques and practices, business management, production, technology, design, customer service and to be available to each member as a sounding board when industry challenges arise.

The meetings provide unique networking & educational opportunities to share ideas, marketing strategies, encouragement and much more, with one another, as they discuss their work & plans for the future. The members share & compare their company information and offer each other advise on how they can improve their business operations. This information can make a crucial difference today to not only survive, but to thrive in today’s challenging home building market.

Ed Nikles Jr. will be in charge of creating the meeting agendas, arranging for top speakers from around the country to provide educational programs and to coordinate housing tours of custom homes in host club member’s cities. Club participation is by invitation only through the National Association of Home Builders. Sharing, teaching and learning from this exceptionally talented group of tight – knit custom home builders creates an environment that elevates all members of The Craftsmen and our custom home building industry.

Ed Nikles Custom Builder, Inc. is a full-service home and remodeling company that specializes in custom, high-performance, and green home design. In 2008, Ed Nikles Custom Builder, Inc. became the 1st builder in Pike County to build a Gold Certified Green Home; since then, Ed Nikles, Jr. has earned the 1st Master Certified Green Professional (Master CGP) designation in Pennsylvania, signifying his in-depth knowledge of green building science and methods. He also recently became the 1st and only Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR) in Pennsylvania. With this knowledge, Ed Nikles Custom Builder, Inc. offers clients a variety of building and remodeling options to ensure that the homes created are enjoyed for many years to come.

For more information on Ed Nikles Custom Builder, Inc. and their services, please call their office at 1-570-296-9200.

104 Bennett Avenue, Suite 1AMilford, Pennsylvania 18337

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